• scaredycatskeptic@gmail.com
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Scaredy Cat Skeptic – Ghost Stories for your Ears

Scaredy Cat Skeptic – Ghost Stories for your Ears

What We Mean when we say Ghost Stories

If you’re on this page, you probably have a good idea of what we’re about. But just in case, here’s a recap.

Each month, our host, Scaredy Cat, will be investigating something spooky. That might be:

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Don’t have time to read this now? Download the pdf and read it at your leisure…

Haunted places with Spooky Ghost Stories

So far, we have released the first two episodes of the podcast for your ears. One of those has been a virtual visitation. 

Prologue – Scaredy Cat takes us to her hometown to talk us through why she’s so obsessed with the occult… even though she doesn’t believe in it.

Episodes 1  – we take a trip to a stately home in Yorkshire to discuss ghost sightings and history.

We have many more trips to haunted places planned – more stately homes and we’ve already been to the pub for episode 4, so subscribe to hear about the grey lady of the Cardigan Arms. Bolling Hall is next on the agenda, though. And we have some super spooky stuff to tell you!

We’ll talk about the history of each place and what it’s like to visit. We’ll delve into the well known ghost stories, discuss every-day supernatural occurrences and see if we can spot anything ourselves.

We even have a rating system so we can arm you with all the information you need to visit these places yourself!

Seances and Spooky Session

Being a sceptic, the thought of communicating with the dead shouldn’t cause any feelings of dread, but our host isn’t called Scaredy Cat for no reason. These sessions could include any number of formats, including Ouija boards, seance sessions, and automatic writing.

Sessions with Mediums (Media?)

Scaredy Cat has a bit of a bee in her bonnet about cold reading; however, she’s a terrible people pleaser, so following her as she tries to remain as neutral as possible while also trying to be as helpful as she can be is going to be nothing if not amusing.

Discussions with Ghostly Experts

What’s better than ghost stories? Ghost stories from people who really know their poltergeists from their spectres.

Scepticism has to have an element of belief – it’s based on scientific proof and testing, but we’re open to ideas. We’ll be chatting to paranormal investigators and spiritual bods to get a better understanding of why they attribute strange happenings to those that have left the land of the living.

Guest Hosts with Ghost Stories

We’ll be talking to friends of the podcast and you! If you have a scary tale to tell and you think it’s too long to be read out as a story in the listener stories section at the end of the podcast, drop us a line. We’d be happy to have you on the podcast to talk about what you’ve been through.

Scaredy Cat at Bolling Hall

What You Can Expect Each Episode

  1. History and description of how we feel about the episode topic.
  2. Talk about ghost stories and/or legends around the topic.
  3. Visit/take part and see if we see or feel anything spooky.
  4. Photos and videos from our experiences.
  5. Listener stories that we’ve had in our inbox. 

[subject to change based on demand]

Resources for the Episodes

We like to make sure that we’re being accountable and giving you all the information we have to make a decision about the things that we will be discussing.

For each episode, there will be comprehensive show notes, which will include:-

Our photos of locations and experiences – with and/or without entities.

Reference photos of places we’ve visited – where we’ve been unable to visit in person, or where we’ve talked about someone else’s experiences, we will try to provide photos so you can paint a picture.

Links to further info about topics touched on in our episodes. We’ll always try to make sure we back up our claims and dismissals and we want you to have all the information we do so you can make your own mind up.

Transcripts – Even though she’s poshing it up for the pod, Scaredy Cat’s accent can be a tad difficult to understand on occasion. Additionally, after attending many metal gigs without earplugs, her hearing is not the best, so she’s very conscious that sometimes people need a read-along option.

Episode packs – this is a printable pdf version of the show notes that you can download and reference during the episode. There is a clickable index, which saves you scrolling through a web page, especially if your internet gets spotty. There will also be time stamps for the ghost stories, if you just don’t have time to listen to the history and descriptions. It’s all storytelling, but we know you’re busy folk.

[episode packs are a work in progress, but we’re getting there]

Scaredy Cat at The Cardigan Arms

Listener Ghost Stories

We’ve already had a raft of spooky ghost stories come through to the email address, which has been both amazing and terrifying. How some of you sleep at night, we’ll never know.

Contact us here https://scaredycatskeptic.co.uk/contact-the-scaredy-cat-skeptic-podcast/

Keep them coming! We will read your tales out at the end of one of our podcasts, whether they’re long or short. Whether you have a rational explanation or you’re 100% sure you’ve seen dead people.

We Want You to Have Fun

While the topics covered by Scaredy Cat Skeptic might, at times get rough, we want you to have fun, more than anything. It might seem like ghost stories are just some spooky, halloween amusement, but they can really touch on some difficult subjects. Ghost stories by their very nature are linked to death, but they usually come with tragic tales too, which could include torture, depression, suicide, child abuse and oppression.

We’ll issue trigger warnings for the more difficult topics, but if you find you’re repeatedly getting upset by the things that we have said, please let us know so we can add trigger warnings for those too. At no point are we trying to upset people, present anything overtly provocative or remain in an ignorant groove.

Occasionally, we may get something factually incorrect. Please, by all means, correct us. Respectfully. We’re all learning all the time.

We do swear on the podcast, so parents might want to vet episodes before letting their children listen.

Ultimately, this podcast is for entertainment. We are not scientists, supernatural experts or exorcists. Anything we discuss in the episodes is based on research and our experiences. Feel free to issue corrections and if we have caused offence, let us know! That’s the last thing we’re trying to do here.

Happy hauntings, spooky bitches!

Drop Us a Line to Give Us Your Take





The podcast cover art for Scaredy Cat Skeptic



The podcast logo artwork for Scaredy Cat Skeptic


Mascot Maud

Scaredy Cat Skeptic Mascot, Maud

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